Mapping Guide

Updated on 2025/02/07
Preparation before mapping
1.Please open the door, remove any debris on the floor, and ensure there is sufficient light, so that the map can cover the entire living environment.
2.Remove the top cover, flip the power switch to "I", then place it directly in front of the station;
3. Long press the power button to make it return for charging autonomously.
Quick Mapping
Prompt: Please confirm that the Robot is connected to the network and online.
1.Open ECOVACS HOME-Enter Device-Quick Mapping.
2.After mapping is completed, the Robot will prompt "Mapping has completed, please check in the app." At this time, the map has been successfully created.
Note:You also can press the power button to start cleaning and mapping, When finished, there will be a voice prompt "Cleaning completed, returning to charge". At this time, the map is created successfully.
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