What should I do if the mopping pad plate cannot expand normally when mopping the floor?

Updated on 2024/06/17
1. What should I do if the mopping pad plate cannot expand normally when mopping the floor?
①Check whether "TruEdge adptive edge cleaning" is turned on in App-Settings-Smart Cleaning. If not, please turn it on before use;
②Manually turn the mopping pad plate to check whether there is any foreign matter stuck. If so, please clean it;
③Shut down the host and restart it;
④If it is still not resolved, please contact after-sales service;
2. Why does the mopping pad plate expand sometimes during cleaning and sometimes not?
① When the host is working in mopp-only mode or mop after vacuum mode, the mopping pad plate will expand normally to achieve full coverage.
②However, the mopping pad plate will retract when it is in the raised state, including the following scenarios:quick mapping, machine navigating, crossing rooms, backwashing, backcharging, avoid obstacles, getting on the carpet, task suspension, task end, manual moving machine;
3.If the mopping pad plate keeps expanding, will it cause leakage?
1. Ecovacs’ original dynamic retractable mopping pad plate is always on the outside to better cover the corners and table/chair legs, with stronger coverage;
2. The gap between the two mops will be filled by the machine during s-shaped cleaning, so there is no need to worry about missing area;
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